Books For Sale
Well it wouldn't be much of an author's site if there were no books for sale, now would it? Therefor, here are the books that I can offer for sale. All come in eBook and in paperback format. Eventually, they will all be available in audio.

These four books are all stand alone, all non-fantasy genre and all available in eBook format.
For more information on each book, click and see what's there. You'll find reviews, alternate covers, trailers and more. And of course, info on where to purchase.
These three books are my "Trials of the Clans" series. The story is a trilogy and all books are available as stand alone or maybe one day, in a massive full trilogy book.
Click on each for more information.
These are the first 3 books in my "Journals of the Huntress" series. There are currently no plans to stop writing this very engaging tale as of yet.
For more info on each book, click and see what awaits. There are trailers, alternate covers, reviews and more.
Click here for a sneak peek at the proposed cover for the 4th book, The Witch and the Stone along with a short excerpt from the book.
A portion of all sales from my books will be contributed to an animal welfare group called
The Wolf Conservation Center, located in upstate New York. Their website is https://nywolf.org/
All books will be shipped upon receiving the order. Click on the title you want and order from the book site.