The Stormrider

The Trials of the Clans ~ Book Two
The Stormrider
The Trials of the Clans continue in the second book, The Stormrider. Once more, the drums of war echo across the Fairlands but this time something has drastically changed. This time, a ruthless conqueror has decided to add Andaria to his treasures and the Goddess has told Hellion and his clan not to interfere. It is Her wish that Andaria pays the price for defiling the lands.
The Clans are willing to follow her direction with no protest. However, two things threaten to involve them regardless. Hellion is traveling through Andaria, tasked with leading the Lost Clans back to his home. In addition, there is a multitude of Andarian refugees set to descend upon the Fairlands as they flee the coming armageddon.
The fine line of balance is left to Fire. She must keep Hellion’s escape route open while ensuring the refugee camp stays secure. Added to her already full plate, she has command of the Six Armies that the Goddess has sent to her to keep the Fairlands free. Can the tigress do all she needs to do and still keep her pact with the Goddess?
Her attention was drawn back to the soldiers that rushed up the bridge. Silver was pushing them back with hurricane-force winds while Steel and several other cougars filled the sky with their arrows to help the retreating vampire warriors. She desperately fired flames at the advancing soldiers, but the thick black smoke was too dense for her to see where they were coming from. Steel took hold of her arm, trying to pull her back from the assault when a tumultuous roar echoed from across the river. She pulled from his grip and ran towards the bridge just in time to see Arzhan leap through the flames and smoke, his ponderous weight causing the bridge to shudder. On his back, Hellion swung his ax from side to side, cutting and slashing any soldier unfortunate enough to be in his way. Behind him, Gladiator and Haze cut down any others who were lucky enough to have escaped him.
Fire signaled Silver to clear the smoke away and as soon as the town could be seen, she gave the order for the wolves of Bloodmoon to fire. Their arrows flew into the town, sending the Myrran troops scurrying for cover while the returning warriors sped to safety.
~ An excerpt from The Stormrider