This is the final choice for the cover. The Broken King will be dealing with the possible end of Shevore...but then again it could be a reference to other kings in the world of Vespias.
As you can see, the images are now under my control. Shutterstock is the place where I found my Vespias and many of the elements I use for my covers.
This is by no means the first cover created for the book. My personal preference is this "sunset" cover, showing a humbled king sitting on a dais while the sun sets behind him. This will be the first cover where Vespias is not alone.
There is also a tentative look at book four below.
Anybody with an opinion about this cover is more than welcome to share it with me via the comments or contact page.
Vespias looked across the field, silently willing herself to hold back the tears. eighteen years passed since that day here. That day when her world was taken away from her, when it seemed as if every living and unliving thing conspired to bring misery to her doorstep.
“Keep it together Vessy,” she thought to herself. “You can’t let them see this weakness.”
Even with her marriage to Jake going so well, she still felt the stabbing, ripping heartache of her loss here. Her eyes slowly scanned from the tree line down across the expanse of meadow. She stopped at the spot that held the most pain here, the spot where he fell. She found herself again, fighting against the tears that wanted to spill. She was successful for the most part when her ears heard the steady treads of her sister’s feet as the youngster broke the cover of the trees.
“Sa’aleen says supper will be ready soon,” said Seela.
“Alright sweetheart,” replied the huntress. “I’ll be along soon.”
Seela eyed her older sister suspiciously, hearing the slight break in her voice.
The young Castian followed her older sister’s gaze across the meadows. It seemed innocuous enough, nothing out of the ordinary.
“What’s wrong Vessy?” she asked.
“Nothing love,” replied the huntress. “This place holds far too many memories, and none of them good.”
“Is this where…”
Vespias nodded, unable to hold back the flow of tears. Seela put her arm around her and gently kissed her cheek.
“You still have your family Vessy,” she whispered. “You have all of us and we all love you so much. Doesn’t that help?”
“More than you’ll ever know my love, more than you’ll ever know.