2016 Brain To Book Cyber ConCharacter Interview with Angela B. Chrysler & Vespias Firstlight
Fictional Character Interview: Vespias Firstlight
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you come from, your race, your homeland. Your heritage.
Well, my home is called Castia. It is a great parcel of land in the northernmost reaches of Sarn. Sarn is a continent along with Gemmal, Icea and the Shrouded Lands. Some insist there are other such places, but I have not seen any proof as of yet. My people are Castian, close in appearance to what you would call elves. But…and I cannot stress this enough, we are not any silly little beings that flit about all day and ride mice. We are strong and proud. We are builders and innovators. We are survivors.
2. Tell us about your parents.
Ah, my beloved parents. My mother’s name is Mael, but I just call her Mom. She has always been my inspiration despite what most people think. I’ve always loved her quiet grace and charm. My father is Braigon, a great hunter and provider. His heart is as big as he is. He was part of the original army that set out to defend Castia from the Gar’voth invasion. Later he became a Sarnian Ranger, but he never told us too many stories about that.
3. What would you say is your greatest fear?
Falling in love. I fell in love twice and neither experience ended well for me. Even now…even now…I’m sorry. Can we move on…
4. Tell me about your nemesis.
The Black Prince, Romero. He desires the Gems of Creation. They are however, in a vault on an island under the Castian people’s protection. He says he will stop at nothing to get them, but he never counted on the spirit of my people and their will, their tenacity, to see things to their end or die trying. I just hope it doesn’t come to that.
5. Tell us about your greatest desire.
Peace. I want to be able to return to the forests with my beloved Kasi, my lion friend and hunt. Before Romero, my father and I and later my younger sister Rain would spend weeks in the embrace of the woodlands. We made quite the team.
6. Describe your ideal partner/mate.
This is a question I would rather not dwell upon. For now, my best friend is Kasi. Father brought Kasi to me on my twelfth birthday. He was such a charmer, with his cute little spots and that squeaky roar. Now he’s well over the 600 pound range and very intimidating, but to me he’ll always be my little big man. Kasi is my friend, not my pet. He comes and goes as he pleases, but every time I set foot on a battlefield, he’s there with me.
7. Here’s the million dollar question… How do you feel about your author?
Well, Ed is Ed. There have been many nights where we refused to speak. It seems that he can be rather pig-headed at times. He insists on telling my story on his terms. I mean really, who was there? I have a pretty good memory and I don’t recall anybody that remotely looks like him there. He also has this annoying habit of making tea of all things before we sit to write my memoirs. Then he eats these wretched things called cookies…he does these things to annoy me, I’m sure of that. Of course, he’ll claim that me sharpening my sword or repairing my armor while he’s writing is distracting. He might be right, but at least I don’t fall asleep at the keyboard! Other than that, I do care for him…except if you tell him, I’ll deny saying it.